Birdsboro, PA

Birdsboro, PA Primary Image Click on the above image to view it in its full size.

This 6000 sq/ft facility turned out fantastic!  If you flip through the pictures till the end, you’ll see some of this taxidermist’s world class work (!)  In the meantime, some of the highlights of this building is the stone veneer under the reverse gable porch roof that serves as the main entrance to the showroom.  Heavily insulated walls and ceiling along with interior finishes were also provided by our team.  A myriad of doors, windows, and cupolas round out a building that’s full of detail and splendor.  Give us a call today to discuss your small business needs for permanent work space!


Project# 011FELG22

Project Type: Commercial
Year Built:2022

Project Size:50' x 120' x 16'
Project Square Feet:6000

Roof Color:Charcoal
Siding Color:Ash Gray
Trim Color:White
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