Brownsville, PA

Brownsville, PA Primary Image Click on the above image to view it in its full size.

Here’s a nice progress set of pictures depicting several different stages of the construction process.  Our customer sent us the following note with the pics:


Sent: Monday, May 13, 2024 9:38 AM
To: Mark Rose <>
Subject: Our Building


Hey Mark,

I am sorry I am late with these pictures.  We are extremely happy with our garage/workshop and have been very satisfied with the experience of getting this project purchased and built.  If you can use these pictures for a future brochure feel free.

I would also like to give our thanks to your crew, they had this up and closed in less than 17 hours with bad weather for the first day and waiting for the inspector.

I would also like to ask if Fetterville has a package for a house type building?  My wife is so impressed with the barn that she wanted  me to ask about using one of your building shells as the starting point for the house we want to build here.

Thank you again and I look forward to hearing from you!


Project# 051FWMR23

Project Type: Garage, Work Shop
Year Built:2024

Project Size:32' x 32' x 10'
Project Square Feet:1024

Roof Color:Alamo
Siding Color:Ocean
Trim Color:Alamo
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