Chesterfield, VA

Chesterfield, VA Primary Image Click on the above image to view it in its full size.

Big, Bold and Beautiful (!)  We go as wide as 90′, but this 60′ foot wide building is much more common when we build in this larger class size.  The 20′ high ceiling warranted a heavier post size, in this case a 4-Ply 2×6 post.  This customer opted for our Smart Post system.  You can see a close up of the post in the picture set below.  If you zoom in on the pics you’ll see an extensive roof bracing system that we utilize on these larger buildings.  You’ll also notice the white vapor barrier which is called Solex.  This compact material virtually eliminates any chance of unwanted condensation on the inside of the building.  It’s probably our most sought after option and well worth the minimal expense.


This building also has an interior post frame wall to divide the areas apart.  If numerous interior walls are desired, we recommend having your concrete floor poured and then having standard stud framed walls installed.  But in this case, where the customer only needed one partition wall, we were happy to accommodate.  The 14′ wide open lean to off the Gable end adds a nice touch of character to the building for minimal cost as well.  The white metal ceiling above keeps the birds out and provides an aesthetically pleasing finished appearance.


Project # 070FELG22





Project Type: Commercial, Work Shop
Year Built:2022

Project Size:60' x 120' x 20'
Project Square Feet:7200

Roof Color:Charcoal
Siding Color:Ash Gray
Trim Color:Charcoal
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