Church Hill, MD

Church Hill, MD Primary Image Click on the above image to view it in its full size.

42′ x 80′ x 16′ Pole Barn

4/12 Pitch Trusses @ 4′ o/c

2- 12′ x 12′ Overhead Doors

2- 14′ x 14′ Overhead Doors

3- 3′ 9-Lite Entry Doors

16′ x 37′ Loft Area w/ 42″ Wide Stairway

12′ x 40′ x 12′ Gable End Lean To w/ Ceiling


Project# 054FSTW24

Project Type: Agricultural, Commercial, Work Shop
Year Built:2024

Project Size:42' x 80' x 16' w/ 12' Gable Lean To
Project Square Feet:3360

Roof Color:Clay
Siding Color:Red
Trim Color:White
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