Dover, PA

Dover, PA Primary Image Click on the above image to view it in its full size.

Well lit and well appointed!  Four 9′ wide by 9′ high garage doors permit access to the majority of the building space and it still leaves a nice area to the left for a workshop or storage area.  You won’t be devoid of light here either.  Six 36″ x 44″ single hung windows placed strategically throughout combine with the minimal sidelights on the front to really light up the interior.  The white vinyl facing on the 1/4″ solex roof barrier helps also and eliminates any chance of condensation.  We poured a 4″ thick concrete floor inside using 4000 psi concrete and fibermesh.  A winning combination!  Contact us today to discuss your building needs!

Project # 049FEJZ22

Project Type: Garage, Hobby Style
Year Built:2023

Project Size:30' x 56' x 10'
Project Square Feet:1680

Roof Color:Ivy
Siding Color:Red
Trim Color:White
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