Hedgesville, WV

Hedgesville, WV Primary Image Click on the above image to view it in its full size.

10′ ceilings are the norm for a standard residential garage, but we’re always ready, willing and able to accommodate our customer’s desires.  In this case, a 9′ ceiling was all that was needed – so that’s what we provided.   The color combination on this one is extraordinary!  Red screams ROYALTY and with the fine touches put into this building; royal she is (!)  12″ Overhangs all the way around really set the pace with the vivid color palette.  The 3′ Black Wainscoting thoroughly completes the look when used in conjunction with the black trim   And the roof…. Plain Galvanized roofing has made a somewhat trendy return to the market the past couple of years.  Very cool looking building!!



Project Type: Garage, Work Shop
Year Built:2023

Project Size:20' x 30' x 9'
Project Square Feet:600

Roof Color:Plain Galvanized
Siding Color:Crimson Red
Trim Color:Black
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