Monroe, NJ

Monroe, NJ Primary Image Click on the above image to view it in its full size.

Here’s another cool & contemporary design!  The main building is only 20′ wide and 32′ long.  The 14′ high ceiling accommodates the 12′ high garage door that the customer required.  That took care of the customer’s “needs”, but the little offsetting lean to provided the “wants” of the homeowners and ultimately steals the show.  The smaller slider windows above the Lean To roof not only provide natural light into the main structure, but they also provide a true aesthetic appeal to the front facade of the building.  12″ Overhangs on all sides add detail and vitality to the overall appearance of the structure.  This building also has Radiant Insulation Barrier installed under the roof metal which will eliminate any condensation to the underside of the roof metal.  And there are clean, bright, white metal ceilings applied under the lean to roof as well as in the main building.


Project# 001FELG21

Project Type: Hobby Style, Work Shop
Year Built:2022

Project Size:20' x 32' x 14' w/ 8' Lean To
Project Square Feet:640

Roof Color:Beige
Siding Color:Tan
Trim Color:Beige
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