Newtown, PA

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Newtown, PA

Sometimes simplicity screams spectacular.  In a world of options, often times the best one is the simplest.  “I just bought a new tractor so I should have a new building to keep it in.”  Our website’s Project Gallery is filled with a myriad of photographs demonstrating all sorts of options and designs and the latest and greatest that our industry has to offer.  But we still LOVE constructing a good old fashioned, traditional pole barn and we got to do it all on this particular project.  Let’s start with the building itself; 24′ wide, 40′ long and 14′ of ceiling height.  At just under a thousand square feet, a 24×40 is probably the most popular size for a residential or agricultural style building.  It’s proportionate width to length ratio is aesthetically appealing to the eye and blends itself in easily with nearby structures already on the property.

This pole building has two or three of the basic components to be qualified as traditional.  One is the sliding door on the gable end.  Gable end sliders don’t require any reduction in height since they don’t have a header system.  They literally hang off the bottom chord of the truss and allow the owner full access to the entire ceiling height.  This particular door is “split” meaning that half of it slides to the left and the other half to the right.  The second traditional component is the Sidelight belt on both eave walls.  They allow the building to be LIT UP naturally and without the need of any light fixtures or electricity.  The third item is the Snow Guards on the roof.  Back in the day they were often shaped as ‘birds’ and some of the old timers still refer to them as Snow Birds!  Today they are mostly the same size and color matched to blend in with your choice of painted steel roofing.

Give us a call today to discuss housing the latest tool or toy that you’ve acquired and we’ll be happy to help you get it under roof and protected for the long haul.


Project Type: Agricultural, Work Shop
Year Built:2022

Project Size:24' x 40' x 14'
Project Square Feet:960

Roof Color:Slate
Siding Color:Beige
Trim Color:White
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