Nicholson, PA

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Nicholson, PA

New home?  New garage!!  A great place for a new pole building garage is adjacent to the new home you just had built.  The projects can be done simultaneously which saves you time in getting moved in, situated and organized 😉  This 30′ x 40′ building is one of our most common sizes.  We stock 30′ Trusses here at our lumber yard so that we can expedite the building process.  Although the bones of this one may be simple, the finish product is simply stunning!  The perfectly contrasting colors differentiate but certainly compliment the nearby home.  Crisp, cool lines and just the right touch in features make this building a true asset to the property.  Snow Guards aren’t just effective in protecting your gutters from big snowfalls, they also just look cool !  But the neatest little feature to this building is the eyebrow roofs over the entry doors.  They’re flashed into the main building to allow them to shed rain water properly.  They are precisely trimmed and finished off below with our custom color matched soffit.  A 4″ Concrete floor completes this project.

Project Type: Garage, Hobby Style, Work Shop
Year Built:2022

Project Size:30' x 40' x 10'
Project Square Feet:1200

Roof Color:Charcoal
Siding Color:Ash Gray
Trim Color:Bright White
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