Salem, CT

Salem, CT Primary Image Click on the above image to view it in its full size.

Go big or go home right?  This customer went B-I-G !!  This 32′ deep by 40′ long post frame garage looks huge inside!  It’s probably the 14′ high ceilings which accommodate the pair of 12′ high by 12′ wide steel overhead doors.  Let’s take a walk around this spectacular gem 😉


  • 24″ Overhangs on All 4 Sides
  • 26 Gauge Roofing & Siding
  • Snow Guards on Both sides of the roof
  • Perma column bases for the posts
  • A completely finished interior!  Ash Gray liner panel steel over top of R-21 in the walls & R-30 in the ceiling!
  • 5′ x 3′ Eyebrow over the entry door


Wanna build something unique??  Call us.  We’d love to help!

Project # 029FELG22

Project Type: Garage, Hobby Style, Work Shop
Year Built:2022

Project Size:32' x 40' x 14'
Project Square Feet:1280

Roof Color:Black
Siding Color:Charcoal
Trim Color:Black
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