Seaford, DE

Seaford, DE Primary Image Click on the above image to view it in its full size.

Boy oh boy does this one ever look sharp !  Wow.  Love the combination of Charcoal and Burgundy colors.  This building has an 18′ high ceiling which means very long metal on the sidewalls.  So the addition of 4′ high wainscoting adds some real eye appeal and scale to the finished product.  It would’ve looked great either way, but consider the nature of what you’ll be using your building for.  If there’s a high probability of it being damaged on the exterior due to big equipment being around it – the wainscoting option is a nice feature.  Morton Buildings did a study years ago that found that like 95% of exterior metal damage came in the bottom 4′ of the wall (!)  That’s the real reason behind waincoting.  But it looks really cool too.


We don’t build near as many sliding doors as we used to.  Most people opt for overhead garage doors.  But sliders are still a little less money comparatively speaking and the big advantage to the slider doors is that if you place them on the gable end of the building – you’ll have access to the entire ceiling height throughout.  This building also has 4-Ply 2×6 glulam posts due to it’s height.  And check this out – new on the eastern shore, we’re providing our customers with even thicker metal!  26 gauge was a standard used for years on buildings that used less lumber.  With Fetterville you get all the extra lumber in the framing of the structure along with the thickest metal offered for roofing and siding on these types of buildings.  Bring on the wind!  This one’s not going anywhere 😉


Project# 012FSTW23

Project Type: Garage, Hobby Style, Work Shop
Year Built:2023

Project Size:30' x 52' x 18'
Project Square Feet:1560

Roof Color:Charocal
Siding Color:Burgundy
Trim Color:Charcoal
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